Prenatal QiGong
QiGong für Schwangere
Fit and relaxed during pregnancy
In cooperation with Julia Wright, founder of Mamiflow
Prenatal QiGong is a gentle, energy-focused exercise practice designed for pregnant women to promote physical and emotional well-being during and after pregnancy. It involves slow, mindful movements, deep breathing and meditation to improve circulation, reduce stress, enhance flexibility, and balance the body´s energy. Prenatal qigong helps strengthen the body, ease pregnancy discomforts and foster a calm, focused mindset in preparation for childbirth. It is safe and suitable for all stages of pregnancy, supporting both the mother´s and baby´s health.
8 times Tuesdays 10:00 - 11:15 am, from 6th May - 24h June 2025
Dates: 6th , 13th, 20th, 27th May, 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th June 2025
Studio Mamiflow
Belgradstraße 80
80804 München
Costs: 180.- Euro
This class is certified by the German Health Insurance System as a stress prevention course and 70% to 100% can be subsidized.
In cooperation with Julia Wright and Mamiflow
This course helps you to
- experience relaxation
- avoid or ease back strain
- find a comfortable, relaxed standing
- be in your centre
- stretch your muscles gently
- feel your breath and regulate your breathing
- activate your energy
- gain serenity
- get to know small, effective exercices for every day occasions